Forming a Loving Relationship with Nature through Art

Inspired by Nature - Visual Artist’s Journey

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My art is all about feeling and seeing with my heart. By immersing myself among the trees, sitting with the deer, resting at the top of the mountain or walking barefoot in wild ocean or nearby lake; the water gently caressing me with it’s rhythmic poetry, it is these sacred moments of communion, a communion of souls, that I learn more about myself, my environment and my spirituality deepens - enriching ever part of my being. Fragments of these sacred moments are interwoven in my creative work. How could they not, nature, art, spirituality - they for me, are all intertwined in all our lives.

There is no separation - Heart to Heart - Soul to Soul

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As an artist and educator, nature is a constant source of inspiration and my greatest teacher.

Nature is always inviting me to play, to explore, imagine and create. Creating with nature, is something I have done ever since I was a young child. There is no destination regarding my creativity, just following my curiosity and the seasons as they unfold. Like nature, I too unfold, with no agenda, opening up to the wonders and the treasure that whisper to me as I forage from the wilds and nearby nature.

A gift is not a gift until it is shared. Mother Earth gifted me the treasure - with a story to unlock - and it is both an honour and joy-filled journey to create something new with my heart, hands and spirit, continuing the beautiful circle of life and sharing the magic and wonders of this sacred planet we call earth.



My creative process is a playful I share a tiny glimpse into my creative life and how one playful nature exploration leads into another organic creation and the spiritual dance is afoot...a most joy-filled journey and so it goes on, flowing from one creation to the next. It is my spirit and my imagination that unlock the stories that are secretly hidden in the treasure gifted from our Mother Earth, waiting for the right moment’s. You too can unlock the beautiful stories through playful, creative exploration.

“If the artist has outer and inner eyes for nature,

nature rewards him by giving him inspiration.”

– Wassily Kandinsky


Today I would like to share with you how my Horsetail Nymph came to be.

This snake grass Nymph evolved while playing and exploring the dry grass I had collected over the winter months on my daily walks along the lakeshore, in the Okanagan, BC. I only gathered stems that had already been broken or bent by the heavy snow, giving thanks for each stem.


Nature speaks a language I understand, an inner knowing, a language I understood as a child. However, when children start school this language can get lost. I was fortunate that I had parents who understood the importance of this sacred language.

The creative journey is a meditative process. Playing with the natural materials, you begin to form a relationship…

Read the full story in :

Visual Artist - The Horsetail Nymph

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