Healing with Nature

I would like to share with you a very short and simple meditation that you can do anywhere. This short version is from the Elements Meditation Series I have been creating over the last few month as part of a healing journey. I believe we are born with an innate need to feel a connection with the natural world.

Spending time among the trees and plants helps nurture our whole being - body, mind, heart and spirit. When we stand barefoot in the garden; among plants and trees, we can tune into the the wild songs of kinship through our senses. We can feel Mother Earth’s heartbeat and healing energy rise and flow into our entire being, nurturing the body, mind, heart and spirit. In this short video I use the tree to represent the Earth element.

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Nurtured by Nature - Healing with Nature We are nature, we are love, we are light, we are beauty, we are healing… we are healing. We all know nature is a powerful medicine - now we have research to back it up.

Nature not only serves as a calming elixir to the body, but it also offers powerful therapeutic effects on the brain. It’s a must-have for physical health and cognitive function

- according to the Yale School of the Environment.

People have a deep, primal need to affiliate with our natural environments. The term for this is called biophilia, coined by social psychologist Erich Fromm in 1964, which became popularized by Harvard naturalist E.O. Wilson in the mid-1980s. Biophilia means “love of life.” The concept explains that humans have a deep-seated emotional affiliation to other living things and a yearning to affiliate with other forms of life. In an ever-increasing time where people are experiencing higher stress levels than usual, anxiety, social isolation, and distance from one another, nature can be a potent remedy. Your connection to it can help you tap into powerful physiological, psychological, and overall health-supportive forces that elicit harmony, peace, and connection.

Read full article here: https://chopra.com/.../your-brain-on-nature-finding...

Healing Together

Wishing you all a beautiful and peaceful week, know you are deeply loved, Marghanita x