Storytelling with Nature - The 3 Little Pigs

Storytelling with Nature - The 3 Little Pigs

Today we are exploring the possibilities of Storytelling with Nature and we are using the title - The 3 Little Pigs as our story of choice. Of Course the story is just a starting point for what can be an ongoing exploration for creative adventures outdoors.

Did you know that the Three Little Pigs was first seen in print in the 1840s, it apparently, is believed to go back even farther than and apparently there is an English version that is titled The Fox and the Pixies and I love that the story is set in the forest....imagine what fun it would be to create pixies and a fox in a woodland setting - how exciting; will be doing this when I get back in the forest next month!

In the two short videos, I provide you with inspiration but it's up to you how you how you explore the story and activities with your children (students). The learning opportunities are infinite and are suitable for all ages; simplifying the story and activities for younger children and expanding the depth of exploration for older students. 

First we read the story (there are several different versions so I thought I would leave it up to you to find which one resonates with you and ofcourse as you delve deeper into the session you will realise you and your students will be making your very own unique version. 

The activities below are beautiful ways to help children actively engage with nature. Remember, when out hunting and gathering we say thank you for the gifts from Mother Nature and take only what we need.

VIDEO ONE - Lets make our Clay Pigs

We then invite the children to make their very own clay pigs using natural clay and materials found in nature. Clay is just one example of what material you could use but are not limited to...ask the children what they would like to use. There are no rules, let the children use their imaginations!

VIDEO TWO - Let's make our Pig Homes

We then invite the children to make the 3 different homes using any of the materials they have collected such as stones, rocks, straw, foliage, sticks etc....what materials would you use? 

Now its time to think about the wolf? Should we make a wolf puppet or could we dress up as a wolf? Or should we make a clay wolf? What materials could we use to make our wolf?

Now it's time to act out the story...the possibilities are infinite for creative play - so much fun - joy-filled learning; nurturing the whole child, body, mind, heart and spirit.

Please do share with me your thoughts and ideas and your final creations.

If you liked this activity you may enjoy my Nature based Art Program full of creative adventures outdoors. Visit

Wishing you all a magical and creative week, love and light Marghanita x